Happy holidays to you and your family,
In our last newsletter, we introduced our new Executive Director, Christine.
This is Christine writing this update- I wanted to share a reflection from my perspective as the "newbie" on the team. As you read in the last update, I come from a nonprofit and Education background, so I have been learning SOO much about dentistry in these last 3 1/2 months.
Prior to working at Cura Smiles, I had no idea how much poor oral health can affect one's systemic health. As a result, I have been fascinated to learn how important dental health is to overall well-being. Learning about the extent of suffering that people endure due to dental issues has been incredibly humbling and eye-opening for me.
In these few months, I've heard many stories from our patients about how lack of dental health impacts other areas of their lives: from intense pain to poor eating habits, to shame and withdrawal from social situations. One common theme resonates in our clinic on a daily basis: gratitude.
Our patients are so deeply thankful for the services they receive at Cura Smiles. For some, they are grateful to simply experience relief from pain. If you've suffered a toothache, you know that toothaches can be debilitating. Imagine dealing with a toothache for weeks and months on end. For others, they are grateful for dentures and a new smile. In both cases, the patients at Cura Smiles are experiencing genuine and lasting TRANSFORMATION.
I don't use that word lightly. These people are experiencing a powerful transformation- not just a physical one, but a deeply emotional and sometimes spiritual transformation, as well. Many of our patients who receive dentures have been hiding their smile for years under a mask, living more of a reclusive life, and dealing with deep shame and embarrassment. For our patients who have made lifestyle changes (conquering addictions or practicing good oral hygiene), their missing or decaying teeth are a long-lasting "visual" that endlessly remind them of a former version of themselves.
Read this very recent story of transformation below. This one really got me!

Meet Cheryl
I came to Cura Smiles with no smile, no self-esteem, no real reason to smile. I was with Cura Smiles last year and then I got into a car accident and lost my bottom dentures. I was able to come back and they were still willing to work with me. Before that, it had been 6-7 years since I recieved any dental services. Due to a disease, I had a terribel smile, and most importantly, no real reason to smile.
The service at Cura Smiles is amazing. Darlene is amazing! I am so satisfied and grateful for my smile. I'm just grateful that God has blessed me with a place like Cura Smiles, and I feel like I have part of my identity back. I can celebrate the holidays with a beautifl smile.

In 2024, we've provided $385,000 worth of services
Thank you for helping us make more smiles happen.

At Cura Smiles, we want our patients to experience health, healing, and freedom. There is no greater joy than watching our patients try their dentures for the first time and seeing their Geniune smile (and many times, their tears of gratitude). As the newest member of the team, I want you to know that what's happening at Cura Smiles is special and unique. We are just one part of someone's entire transformation, but it's a crucial and necessary one.
Why do I share this? It's important that you know the impact that Cura Smiles is having in our San Diego community. And none of that would happen without your support and investment. From the very bottom of my heart, Thank You for all that you to do help transform smiles and facilitate healing in deep and meaningful ways.